The Vernon County Republican Party has 4 Officer Positions. These positions are nominated and elected by the general members at the Lincoln Day call to Caucus in odd numbered years. Officers for the years 2021 to 2023 are:
Chairman Roger Call
Vice-Chairman Mike Christenson
Secretary Kathy Loefflad
Treasurer Rhonda Christenson
The 3rd District GOP encompasses all or parts of 18 counties in Wisconsin.
The 12 counties totally contained in the 3rd are: Adams, Buffalo, Crawford, Dunn, Eau Claire, Grant, La Crosse, Pepin, Pierce, Portage, Vernon, and Trempealeau.
The 6 counties that are partially in the 3rd are: Chippewa, Jackson, Juneau, Monroe, Richland, and Wood
The Executive Committee shall be the policy making body of the organization subject to the general authority of the membership in a regularly called caucus. It shall have authority to transact necessary business between caucuses; to advise the County Chairman and other officers; to complete slates of delegates and alternates to District Caucuses and State Conventions or to delegate such authority to the County Chairperson; and shall also have control and management of the property and funds of the organization.
The Executive Committee of this organization shall consist of the following members: A. The four (4) elected officers of the organization
B. The five (5) at large members elected by the County caucuses
C. The Committee Chairpersons appointed by the Chairman
D. The Chairperson of any active Young Republican Clubs in Vernon County
E. The President of any active Republican Women’s Clubs in Vernon County
F. Any Party member who holds an elected County, State, or Federal office.
Electing officers and five (5) members of the Executive Committee of this organization, as provided in Article IV, in the odd numbered years
The current 2023 to 2025 Executive Committee Members are:
Roger Call, Mike Christenson, Rhonda Christenson Hazel Cornell, Karen Delap, Linsey Formanek ,Tim Gaskell, Adrian Hendrickson, Ron Hoff, Tony Kurtz, Kathy Loefflad, Hiram Lund, Loren Oldenburg, Sheila Olson,Roy Togerson, Jerry Pedretti, Cori Wilson,
In 2023 the maximum number of Members the Vernon County Republican Party is authorized to send to a Republican Party of Wisconsin State Convention is 34 Delegates. If any of those named 34 Member Delegates are unable to attend, Members from an Alternate List may replace a Delegate. The Member Alternate list is limited to the same number as the allowed on the Delegate List, for 2023 the maximum is 34 Alternates.
An annual caucus of the membership shall be held prior to April 1 of each year for the purpose of:
A. Electing delegates and alternates to the District Committee and the State Convention.
B. Electing officers and five (5) members of the Executive Committee of this organization, as provided in Article IV, in the odd numbered years, and,
C. Transacting any other business, which may properly come before said caucus
A. To preserve, support, and advance fundamental Republican principles and policies as promoted from time to time in either the National or Wisconsin Platforms of the party.
B. To promote the election to public office of qualified and capable citizens who subscribe to those principles.
C. To Preserve the Republic form of government as created under the Constitution of the United States of America.
D. To direct, manage, supervise and control the business, property, and funds of the Vernon County Republican Party and to serve as a unit of the Republican Party of Wisconsin.
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The 3rd District GOP WI Executive Committee includes: The 4 officers of the District and the Chair and Vice Chair of all 18 county parties.
Republican Party of Vernon County Constitution and By-Laws, 3-6-2022
Vernon County Republican Party
204 W Decker St, Viroqua WI 54665